Bill Noel's debut novel, Folly, introduced Chris Landrum and his adventures on the small, quirky island of Folly Beach, South Carolina, where he spent an extended vacation, purchased a retirement home, and solved a murder. In this second installment of A Folly Beach Mystery series, murder and mayhem continue to interfere with Chris's laid-back retirement plans. Praise for The Pier "Louisville author Bill Noel, himself a seasoned photographer, has followed his debut offering, Folly, with another engaging Folly Beach Mystery. Armed with a gift for creating ultra-quirky yet believable characters, Noel shows how a healthy dose of cynicism-even among untrained, nonprofessional types-can lead to solving a murder mystery that the police had initially decided wasn't even a homicide." -Kentucky Monthly "Spend a little time at the Lost Dog Caf ("Coffee and a bite") with Landrum and his troupe of amateur sleuths, and I bet you'll be glad you made the trip." -The Voice-Tribune
Bill Noel's debut novel, Folly, introduced Chris Landrum and his adventures on the small, quirky island of Folly Beach, South Carolina, where he spent an extended vacation, purchased a retirement home, and solved a murder. In this second installment of A Folly Beach Mystery series, murder and mayhem continue to interfere with Chris's laid-back retirement plans. Praise for The Pier "Louisville author Bill Noel, himself a seasoned photographer, has followed his debut offering, Folly, with another engaging Folly Beach Mystery. Armed with a gift for creating ultra-quirky yet believable characters, Noel shows how a healthy dose of cynicism-even among untrained, nonprofessional types-can lead to solving a murder mystery that the police had initially decided wasn't even a homicide." -Kentucky Monthly "Spend a little time at the Lost Dog Caf ("Coffee and a bite") with Landrum and his troupe of amateur sleuths, and I bet you'll be glad you made the trip." -The Voice-Tribune