Discover a delightful and heartwarming romantic comedy in "People We Meet on Vacation," penned by the renowned author Emily Henry. This large print edition is perfect for readers who appreciate a more accessible reading experience. Immerse yourself in this New York Times bestseller that weaves humor, emotion, and charm in a tale that exudes summer vibes and second chances.
Follow Poppy and Alex, two best friends who seem to be total opposites. Yet, every summer for the past decade, they've taken a perfectly planned vacation together. However, after an unexpected fallout two years ago, they haven't spoken since. When Poppy feels stuck in a rut, she realizes this annual trip could be the key to rekindling their friendship and, perhaps, exploring something more.
Emily Henry has crafted a story full of sharp wit and genuine emotion, exploring themes of friendship, love, and the inevitable shifts that come with time. The chemistry between the protagonists offers a compelling narrative that keeps readers engaged and invested. With her unique voice, Henry invites readers on a journey filled with laughter and heartwarming moments.