The debut short story collection series Path Into Madness by Douglas Dodd will bring a set of new characters you are sure to fall in love with. Kody Bragi, who is always telling a schoolyard tale, Zak Lee, who is competing for his life, Hairy Hermit, who tells Lainey and Dash scary stories in a cabin in the woods, plus a dozen stories with enough ghosts, zombies, and bad customer service to drive you into madness.
The debut short story collection series Path Into Madness by Douglas Dodd will bring a set of new characters you are sure to fall in love with. Kody Bragi, who is always telling a schoolyard tale, Zak Lee, who is competing for his life, Hairy Hermit, who tells Lainey and Dash scary stories in a cabin in the woods, plus a dozen stories with enough ghosts, zombies, and bad customer service to drive you into madness.