Past Life Memories

Past Life Memories

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Tap into the incredible, true spiritual journey of Anna Lyon - pulled from the pages of journals she's kept for seven years. She invites you to share in the vivid memories and lives she's lived through past lives.

In Past Life Memories, debut author and tarot card reader Anna Lyon shares her personal and awe-inspiring spiritual awakening with the world. With the help of psychics, mediums, shamans, and witches, Anna underwent a transformative research process that showed her the many past lives she's lived - specifically in Ireland and Scotland.

Travel to the 500s in Ireland with Anna as a past version of herself journeys with St. Kevin in the mountains of Glendalough. Or, embark on a perilous pursuit to the Isle of Mull in Scotland where Anna once aided Lady Catherine Campbell in poisoning her violent husband. Discover these - and many more lifetimes - amid the dazzling pages of Past Life Memories.

Anna hopes that through her book, readers start to see themselves as eternal beings. Her spiritual reflection showed her her soul's journey and purpose - and she's hopeful that others can come to realize we as humans are here for the purpose of learning and teaching each other throughout our lifetimes.

Whether you believe in the possibility of reincarnation or not, Anna's heartfelt and persuasive storytelling will take you on a journey of heart through relatable human trials spanning centuries. Anyone with a spiritual mind will resonate with the deeply human and personal stories in Past Life Memories, and fans of Brain Weiss's Many Lives Many Masters will enjoy the book as well.

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