The story begins with the Panterra SuperTramps being unaware of their unique role in unlocking secrets of nearby realms in the multiverse. Their adventures are bewildering at first, but their paranormal skills continue to gain strength and equip them to meet challenges on their own Rare Earth planet and into the galaxy. As bi-coastal students their lifestyle takes them from a vast sheep station in Australia to a wildlife and habitat sanctuary outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. Many of the rancho residents are involved in the entertainment and hospitality industries, and sometimes special events are held on the property. The worlds of art, performers, costumes and fashion, technology, quantum mechanics, and space travel all coalesce into a magical adventure for the SuperTramps and their friends.
The story begins with the Panterra SuperTramps being unaware of their unique role in unlocking secrets of nearby realms in the multiverse. Their adventures are bewildering at first, but their paranormal skills continue to gain strength and equip them to meet challenges on their own Rare Earth planet and into the galaxy. As bi-coastal students their lifestyle takes them from a vast sheep station in Australia to a wildlife and habitat sanctuary outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. Many of the rancho residents are involved in the entertainment and hospitality industries, and sometimes special events are held on the property. The worlds of art, performers, costumes and fashion, technology, quantum mechanics, and space travel all coalesce into a magical adventure for the SuperTramps and their friends.