Pam's Traveling Coat Collection

Pam's Traveling Coat Collection

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I have been crushed into suitcases and backpacks. I've been snowed on and sleeted on and windblown. I've climbed to heights no self-respecting coat should ever have to endure. I've ridden on subways, trains, and trolleys, flown in planes, and ridden in derelict taxis. I've bumped along on a donkey. I have felt like I was flying in the back of a pickup truck tearing across desert flats and dunes. I've waded into rivers and oceans and across streams on slippery rocks. I have even traveled on a Navy warship clear across the Pacific Ocean and helped steer it for just a little while. I've petted elephants in the wild and watched a cheetah hunt his weekly meal. I've climbed towers into what seemed to be the very clouds and crossed a bridge over a waterfall so tall and wide I couldn't see the end or the bottom of it. And more! It's been a lot for a coat to do! Join me in my travels!

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