When a disgruntled freshman and her ambitious parents make a ruthless decision to tear down a well-respected coach, thirty-three years of dedication come crashing to an end. A decorated coach faces a shocking suspension, his reputation ripped apart by baseless allegations and a superficial investigation led by an inept board of education.
In Out of Bounds, the fallout from this betrayal unravels, revealing the dark side of sports-where the line between supportive parenting and destructive interference is too often blurred. Through a series of riveting accounts, this book offers a rare, behind-the-scenes glimpse into the escalating tensions between parents, players, and coaches, exposing the harsh realities that threaten the very soul of competitive youth sports.
Out of Bounds is a wake-up call for anyone who has ever been on the sidelines. Are the boundaries between parents and coaches fading away, and at what cost to the game?