How is Ingrid related to Elsa and Anna?
By what name is Prince Charming known in Storybrooke? Who brought magic to Storybrooke? Amaze your friends and family with all things related to the Once Upon a Time TV series! If you know your TV series, there are 100 questions sure to riddle even the most die hard fan! Ready to take the challenge? Once Upon a Time Trivia Quiz Book today!How is Ingrid related to Elsa and Anna?
By what name is Prince Charming known in Storybrooke? Who brought magic to Storybrooke? Amaze your friends and family with all things related to the Once Upon a Time TV series! If you know your TV series, there are 100 questions sure to riddle even the most die hard fan! Ready to take the challenge? Once Upon a Time Trivia Quiz Book today!Paperback