Older and Stronger: Nutriment for the Spirit Inside the Aging Body is designed for Christians in or near their senior years; this volume "aims to convince us that God has a purpose for having us live as long as we have." It offers illustrations of how, with God's help, aging Christians can continue to grow spiritually while remaining faithful, joyful, and thankful through a life of service. Each of fifty-two devotional presentations (one for each week of the year) is followed by a daily prayer guide. A wealth of inspiring quotations from a wide range of speakers, writers, and lyrics from beloved hymns for singing or meditation are included. Seniors "who are ready to grow stronger in spirit while the body ages" are encouraged to continue to lead by example, make a difference in the lives of others, and be thankful for the hope of eternal life in the presence of Jesus.
Biblical and present-day examples show how older Christians can be a "living sermon" as others see the kindness and compassion of Jesus in them as they grow daily in faith, hope, and love.