Ok! (Digital)

Ok! (Digital)

1 Issue, July 30, 2018

What’s in Your Stars?

What’s in Your Stars?
Leo July 23—Aug. 22 It’s good to be king. No one knows this better than Leo, the undisputed ruler of the Zodiac. But Mercury’s retrograde is not to be ignored. Anger and hostility, if not controlled, could have your subjects calling for your head. Virgo Aug. 23–Sept. 22 Having just lost Venus to Libra, you could easily backslide into carping and sniping. So what, you say? You’re really good at it — but you’re also smart enough to know it keeps you from having what (and who) you most desire. Libra Sept. 23–Oct. 23 Venus, your ruling planet, comes to snuggle in your sign this week. All you need is a willing partner for some memorable mattress moments. An Aries feeling left out across the cosmos will gladly follow you home. Scorpio Oct. 24–Nov. 21 You have a passion for intrigue…
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Ok! (Digital) - 1 Issue, July 30, 2018

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