Ok! (Digital)

Ok! (Digital)

1 Issue, December 11, 2017

What’s in Your Stars?

What’s in Your Stars?
Sagittarius Nov. 22—Dec. 21 The sun is in your sign, so there’s not much you can do to mess up this month. Unless it’s to shoot off your mouth (which you know you can do) to a Capricorn, who will never forgive you. Capricorn Dec. 22–Jan. 19 Keep your sense of humor if someone in your inner circle tries to test your resolve with an ill-conceived proposal regarding a money matter. It’s defifinitely time for fifinancial conservatism. Aquarius Jan. 20–Feb. 18 You are famously averse to commitment. Though this can be seen as a negative by others, it’s not always so. It could serve you well when approached by an attractive — and dangerous — Aries. Pisces Feb. 19–March 20 There may be someone in your work area who thinks there’s something fifishy about you, Pisces. It’s…
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Ok! (Digital) - 1 Issue, December 11, 2017

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