Ok! (Digital)

Ok! (Digital)

1 Issue, April 8, 2019

What’s in Your Stars?

What’s in Your Stars?
Aries Mar. 21–April 19 With the Sun in your first house and Mars forming a sextile in Gemini, you’re cosmically configured to turn possibilities into realities. It’s crucial to focus on what you want most, because despite your enormous confidence, you can’t have it all. Taurus April 20–May 20 Quit sniffing the flowers, Ferdinand! With Uranus in your first house and a sextile with Mercury in Pisces, it’s time to head for the bullring. Be uncompromising in a competition for a chance to fill your pockets with filthy lucre. Gemini May 21–June 20 Mars in your first house and a sextile with the Sun in Aries play up your strengths: intellect and eloquence. Use them to impress, but beware the square with Mercury in Pisces, which could reveal your flip side (superficiality and cunning). Cancer June…
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Ok! (Digital) - 1 Issue, April 8, 2019

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