This light-hearted story with action-packed illustrations hits bull's eye on a glaring national need motivating children to read. Oh, How I Wished I Could Read! by John Gile produces laughs and gasps that make its "reading is vital" message a child-pleasing joy. Highly acclaimed and a national bestseller, it's a perfect book for fun-loving parents and high spirited teachers who laugh with their children and use humor to teach. Oh, How I Wished I Could Read! is used extensively in schools and even in adult literacy programs to foster reading development. In addition to being the 2011 pick for the New Orleans Literacy Extravaganza, it has been a Scholastic Book Club selection, a Teachers' Choice Award winner, a National Read America! selection, and is included in the Reading is Fundamental Book List.
This light-hearted story with action-packed illustrations hits bull's eye on a glaring national need motivating children to read. Oh, How I Wished I Could Read! by John Gile produces laughs and gasps that make its "reading is vital" message a child-pleasing joy. Highly acclaimed and a national bestseller, it's a perfect book for fun-loving parents and high spirited teachers who laugh with their children and use humor to teach. Oh, How I Wished I Could Read! is used extensively in schools and even in adult literacy programs to foster reading development. In addition to being the 2011 pick for the New Orleans Literacy Extravaganza, it has been a Scholastic Book Club selection, a Teachers' Choice Award winner, a National Read America! selection, and is included in the Reading is Fundamental Book List.