NOSTOS, Voices for the Journey Home is a collaborative book of art and poetry and essays dedicated to environmental awareness through creative imagination...The VOICES are Alex BoyesenHjalmar Boyesen, James Broughton, Ed Cain, Ford Crull, Tim Davies, Niels Devisscher, Kathleen Garrett, Galen Garwood, Larry Gray, Christine Hemp, Mary Ida Henrikson, Anne Hirondelle, Hart James, John Franklin Koenig, Kim Kopp, Chang Lek, William O'Daly, Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma, Jami Sieber, Joel Singer, Garrett Smithberg, Jeffree Stewart, Liz Tran, Peter Weltner, Nathan Wirth, and Stephen Yates.
"...a chorus: a multitude of voices conveyed in visuals and words forming an originative magnitude, fluent passages leading us to the still point of home-home in a place, in a person, in the self, in a memory, a wish, a hope, a loss, a discovery, a revelation." -Kathleen Garrett