Meanwhile, detectives achieve a breakthrough in their investigations into deadly drug smuggling through the Port of Vancouver, uncovering unexpected links to events on Atticus Island. After a stranger appears on the island who is openly hunting for Kot, her survival rests on the resourcefulness of her friends and, ultimately, on the not-so-rare altruism of another species.
No Safe House was short-listed for the Crime Writers of Canada's 2023 Best Unpublished Manuscript Award. Reviewer's comments included: ". . . an ambitious and lyrical novel that takes its time to draw together disparate threads and characters into a transcendent whole," and . . . "exquisite description, superb dialogue, and a complex and topical plotline."
Meanwhile, detectives achieve a breakthrough in their investigations into deadly drug smuggling through the Port of Vancouver, uncovering unexpected links to events on Atticus Island. After a stranger appears on the island who is openly hunting for Kot, her survival rests on the resourcefulness of her friends and, ultimately, on the not-so-rare altruism of another species.
No Safe House was short-listed for the Crime Writers of Canada's 2023 Best Unpublished Manuscript Award. Reviewer's comments included: ". . . an ambitious and lyrical novel that takes its time to draw together disparate threads and characters into a transcendent whole," and . . . "exquisite description, superb dialogue, and a complex and topical plotline."