A full-color illustrated adventure of Norway's creature of folklore and legend, Nisse at Night, introduces the Nisse a kindly gnome, widely associated with the Christmas season. Explore the world of the Nisse as created by Alaskan Artist, Kari L. Ronning. Inspired by the tales of the author's Norwegian ancestry, comes a charming and whimsically educational glimpse inside the Old World magic of this Scandinavian cultural icon. Written for any age, this storybook is infused with touches of Rosemaling inspired art and illustration that can be enjoyed by all.
A full-color illustrated adventure of Norway's creature of folklore and legend, Nisse at Night, introduces the Nisse a kindly gnome, widely associated with the Christmas season. Explore the world of the Nisse as created by Alaskan Artist, Kari L. Ronning. Inspired by the tales of the author's Norwegian ancestry, comes a charming and whimsically educational glimpse inside the Old World magic of this Scandinavian cultural icon. Written for any age, this storybook is infused with touches of Rosemaling inspired art and illustration that can be enjoyed by all.