New edition of the controversial 1933 novel by Maxwell Bodenheim, the "King of the Greenwich Village Bohemians."
From the 1933 first edition:
Here's Maxwell Bodenheim's biggest book about fast, modern life in New York-the novel for which Georgie May, Replenishing Jessica and Ninth Avenue were only a preparation.
It's the story of two bright, vivacious New York girls, game and scrappy kids full of youth's zest for life, and willing to go anywhere, try anything to satisfy their fierce craving for excitement. Their quest leads them to New York's toughest spots, the East Side, the Far West of gangland and the waterfront dives, the Spanish Section, Union Square with its fearless and desperate radicals, and the racketeer hells on the Broadway side streets. Their adventures and their men make a story of enthralling power; and their discovery of the only way to get clear of New York Madness brings it to a climax of terrific punch.
Bodenheim has never written a more glamorous, sweeping story, reflecting sophisticate New York's own racy lingo.