The 2024 volume of the Yearbook of English Studies, edited by Travis Curtright, presents a new collection of essays on the work of Thomas More (1478-1535). Often referred to as a 'man for all seasons', the More of this collection presents an author of many interests - linguistic, moral, historical, and, above all, political and religious. Indeed, More was a prodigious author, whose collected works run to fifteen volumes in the Yale critical editions. Given the sheer volume of his literary output, it seems less than judicious to limit his influence to Utopia (1516), or to read that text in exclusion from the rest of his canon, which remains neglected by comparison. In contrast to the conventional and imbalanced focus on More as author of Utopia, the title of this volume indicates new readings of or renewed attention to writings apart from his masterpiece.
New Readings in Thomas More Studies (Yearbook of English Studies 54)
The 2024 volume of the Yearbook of English Studies, edited by Travis Curtright, presents a new collection of essays on the work of Thomas More (1478-1535). Often referred to as a 'man for all seasons', the More of this collection presents an author of many interests - linguistic, moral, historical, and, above all, political and religious. Indeed, More was a prodigious author, whose collected works run to fifteen volumes in the Yale critical editions. Given the sheer volume of his literary output, it seems less than judicious to limit his influence to Utopia (1516), or to read that text in exclusion from the rest of his canon, which remains neglected by comparison. In contrast to the conventional and imbalanced focus on More as author of Utopia, the title of this volume indicates new readings of or renewed attention to writings apart from his masterpiece.