In the whimsical land of Nutville, a young boy named Nero embarks on a journey that defies the conventional boundaries of logic and reason. Nero and the Social Agreement follows the adventures of Nero, his friend Nora, and her dog Noodles, as they navigate a world where the quest for the fabled Nutless Forest leads to an unexpected revelation. The trio's exploration challenges the very essence of their community's identity, sparking a profound transformation among the Nutvillers.
In the whimsical land of Nutville, a young boy named Nero embarks on a journey that defies the conventional boundaries of logic and reason. Nero and the Social Agreement follows the adventures of Nero, his friend Nora, and her dog Noodles, as they navigate a world where the quest for the fabled Nutless Forest leads to an unexpected revelation. The trio's exploration challenges the very essence of their community's identity, sparking a profound transformation among the Nutvillers.