A little snail strays away from his father in a busy garden, as small critters watch from a distance.
Through the snail's adventures in different parts of the garden, young readers are introduced to opposites in the Nepali language in a playful way, with brightly colored pictures.
But when the little snail suddenly feels scared, will he be able to find his father?
चम्किला रङ्]गीन चित्रहरूले भरिएको यस किताबमा एउटा सानो स
ङ्]खेकीरो आफ्ना बुबासँग छुट्टिएर बगैँचाका विभिन्]न कुराहरूको सम्पर्कमा आउँछ । उसलाई ससाना कुराहरूले टाढैबाट देख्छन्। बगैँचाका विभिन्न ठाउँमा सङ्]खेकीराका रोमाञ्]चक गतिविधिहरूलाई देखेर बालपाठहरूले उल्टो अर्थ आउने शब्दहरू पनि सिक्न्नेछन्। सङ्]खेकीरो हराएपछि उसले आफ्ना बुबालाई कहाँ खोज्ला त ?