THE NECTAR OF THIS BREATH - explores the liminal space between poetry and meditation. Many of the poems are prompts for contemplative practice, either by individuals or groups. They unite the mind with the heart, reaching even into our cell physiology to refresh the weary body with "the nectar of this breath." Without using esoteric or religious terminology, these poems probe the most subtle science of breathing, a spiritual practice handed down through wisdom traditions of both East and West. There are also longer poems, full of humor and rebellion, breaking into ecstatic incantation in the tradition of Walt Whitman and the Beats. The book gently reminds us that the same power who spins the galaxies and sings the stars comes to indwell us as our very breath, "and the dignity of this inhalation, how it softly places the spirit in each cell of your flesh, is your Lover's secret name."

THE NECTAR OF THIS BREATH - explores the liminal space between poetry and meditation. Many of the poems are prompts for contemplative practice, either by individuals or groups. They unite the mind with the heart, reaching even into our cell physiology to refresh the weary body with "the nectar of this breath." Without using esoteric or religious terminology, these poems probe the most subtle science of breathing, a spiritual practice handed down through wisdom traditions of both East and West. There are also longer poems, full of humor and rebellion, breaking into ecstatic incantation in the tradition of Walt Whitman and the Beats. The book gently reminds us that the same power who spins the galaxies and sings the stars comes to indwell us as our very breath, "and the dignity of this inhalation, how it softly places the spirit in each cell of your flesh, is your Lover's secret name."