A love story based on lies and an outlaw gang of murderers and thieves...
It's 1884, and Audrey Butler is a twenty-nine-year-old mail order bride who has accepted a marriage proposal to a man named Alan Sperry in Natoma, Oregon. Deciding to leave home, she embarks on a journey she's sure will change her life forever.
But upon her arrival, Audrey is welcomed into a home unlike the one she expected. And the nice Christian man she thought she was writing to...is a work of fiction.
Meanwhile, Matt Bannister finds trouble in Prairieville, Oregon as a member of the Dielschneider family dedicates himself to taking Bannister's fifteen-year-old niece as his wife and-on his quest to find her-crosses ethical lines and becomes the most wanted man in town.
Join US Marshal Matt Bannister as he attempts to juggle a mail order bride's reigning cry for help, a family reunion, and one man's haunting presence.