Nagarjuna's Treatise on the Ten Bodhisattva Grounds (Bilingual) - Volume One: The Dasabhumika Vibhasa

Nagarjuna's Treatise on the Ten Bodhisattva Grounds (Bilingual) - Volume One: The Dasabhumika Vibhasa

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"Nāgārjuna's Treatise on the Ten Bodhisattva Grounds" is Bhikshu Dharmamitra's extensively annotated original translation of Ārya Nāgārjuna's "Daśabhūmika Vibhāṣā" rendered from Tripiṭaka Master Kumārajīva's circa 410 ce Sanskrit-to-Chinese translation. It consists of 35 chapters that explain in great detail the cultivation of the ten highest levels of bodhisattva practice leading to buddhahood, focusing almost exclusively on the first two of the ten bodhisattva grounds. This is a work which has never been translated into English before. This special bilingual edition (English / Chinese) includes the facing-page simplified and traditional

Chinese scripts to facilitate close study by academic buddhologists, students in Buddhist universities, and Buddhists in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and the West.

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