This is the first in a series of children's books that follows the real life antics of a young girl named Anya and her lovable Boston Terrier named Jemma. The book has been beautifully illustrated with full page colorful images that are sure to delight children of all ages. Come follow along as Anya and Jemma go to the park! This book series is geared towards young children ages 2+ and features a fun rhyming story line that parents will love reading aloud to their children.
This is the first in a series of children's books that follows the real life antics of a young girl named Anya and her lovable Boston Terrier named Jemma. The book has been beautifully illustrated with full page colorful images that are sure to delight children of all ages. Come follow along as Anya and Jemma go to the park! This book series is geared towards young children ages 2+ and features a fun rhyming story line that parents will love reading aloud to their children.