Umetarou Nozaki, a high school student leading a double life as a popular shoujo manga-ka, is an extraordinary guy. This is hardly news to Chiyo, of course! But not to be outdone by Nozaki, the people around him are pretty unique too...
There's a maiden-hearted playboy, a flighty former editor, a serious editor, an insomniac, an angel-voiced troublemaker, a hard-working drama club president, and the school prince who's actually a princess. With this colorful cast of characters vying for Nozaki's attention, Chiyo's got some tough competition ahead!
Umetarou Nozaki, a high school student leading a double life as a popular shoujo manga-ka, is an extraordinary guy. This is hardly news to Chiyo, of course! But not to be outdone by Nozaki, the people around him are pretty unique too...
There's a maiden-hearted playboy, a flighty former editor, a serious editor, an insomniac, an angel-voiced troublemaker, a hard-working drama club president, and the school prince who's actually a princess. With this colorful cast of characters vying for Nozaki's attention, Chiyo's got some tough competition ahead!