Monster NICU follows the story of one family who ends up in the NICU unexpectedly on Halloween night. The family suddenly discovers that it's not just any NICU but one for MONSTERS!!! However, they soon realize that whether you're a monster or human, the NICU can be a scary place for all families. Follow along on this wonderful adventure which highlights the ups, downs and milestones of NICU life with a very unique twist.
Monster NICU: We Accidentally went to the wrong NICU... The Monster NICU
by Adam Wood
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Monster NICU follows the story of one family who ends up in the NICU unexpectedly on Halloween night. The family suddenly discovers that it's not just any NICU but one for MONSTERS!!! However, they soon realize that whether you're a monster or human, the NICU can be a scary place for all families. Follow along on this wonderful adventure which highlights the ups, downs and milestones of NICU life with a very unique twist.