A collection featuring seventeen short stories about broken people finding hope in the hardest times...
Zoran, a teen in foster care, has been separated from his sister and has lost all trust in people. Depression looms over his life, drawing him to give up on his childhood dream of a home.
Grief creates a chasm in Constance and Ranaan's marriage after multiple miscarriages and the loss of their premature daughter. They question their belief in God...and each other.
Fifteen-year-old Kathie discovers she's pregnant. Afraid, heartbroken, and abandoned by those she trusts, she realizes she has only one way to regain the love and life she has lost: end the pregnancy and pretend it never happened.
Seventeen stories intertwine as Zoran, Constance, Ranaan, Kathie, and more, seek healing, discover faith, and find that hope remains despite their circumstances.