In the suspenseful second installment of the Misunderstood series, Nothing To Joke About, thirteen-year-old Jason Sutter is struggling to maintain his sanity while keeping his deadly secret. After barely escaping the horrors of New York, Jason is now hiding in Franklin Chase, Pennsylvania, under the care of the Dubois family. But even here, the voices in his head won't let him rest, and neither will his enemies.
Jason's telepathic abilities have attracted the attention of a shadowy organization known only as the Community-an entity with motives as mysterious as its members. They've found him once, and now they're closing in again, but this time, Jason isn't just fighting to stay hidden. A sinister pattern of deaths at a local care facility pulls him into a deeper mystery, one that may be tied to his own past in ways he could never have imagined.
As Jason navigates these treacherous waters, he realizes that trust is a luxury he can't afford, and his own survival hinges on decisions he's not sure he's ready to make. What he uncovers along the way could change everything-but it might also seal his fate.
Nothing To Joke About takes readers on a tense, unpredictable journey, where nothing is as it seems, and every choice could lead to disaster.