BACK TO "NORMAL" After Kanna's dramatic confrontation with her father, life in Miss Kobayashi's household has gone back to normal...or at least, what passes for normal in a house full of dragons. Tohru freshens up her routine, Lucoa reconsiders her role as a bystander, and Ilulu's biological clock runs wild. Meanwhile, Kobayashi's boss offers her a new opportunity that could transform her connection with the dragon world.
BACK TO "NORMAL" After Kanna's dramatic confrontation with her father, life in Miss Kobayashi's household has gone back to normal...or at least, what passes for normal in a house full of dragons. Tohru freshens up her routine, Lucoa reconsiders her role as a bystander, and Ilulu's biological clock runs wild. Meanwhile, Kobayashi's boss offers her a new opportunity that could transform her connection with the dragon world.