Miriam and Naomi: A Christmas Story is the heartwarming story of a young girl named Miriam, from Nazareth, who embarks on a remarkable trip to Bethlehem alongside her best friend, a goat named Naomi, and the soon-to-be parents, Mary and Joseph. Miriam is a kind and selfless girl who eagerly takes on the role of caretaker, ensuring Mary's comfort and safety during their difficult trek. This beautifully illustrated book chronicles that journey.
Miriam and Naomi: A Christmas Story is the heartwarming story of a young girl named Miriam, from Nazareth, who embarks on a remarkable trip to Bethlehem alongside her best friend, a goat named Naomi, and the soon-to-be parents, Mary and Joseph. Miriam is a kind and selfless girl who eagerly takes on the role of caretaker, ensuring Mary's comfort and safety during their difficult trek. This beautifully illustrated book chronicles that journey.