One of the most ancient foods in the history of human existence is the honey. Do you also know that honey was mentioned in the bible more than money? Even King Solomon recommended the use of honey? The Qur'an recommended the use of honey and also analyzed some of its health benefits. Traditionally, honey is used by many tribes during feast such as marriages, ordination, childbirth, etc. to signify sweetness. During World War I, do you know honey was used in the war front? What purpose? - For quick treatment and healing of wounds.
The introduction of inorganic drugs and medication might have made you undermined the efficacy of natural products like honey. You might be skeptical about the natural organic cure of diseases and infections; definitely, you are not alone, you haven't just gotten the effective information you need.
There are several honey products in the market today, many of them are adulterated, hence giving a more detrimental effect rather than the desired health benefits. Using a counterfeit honey product is worse than taking a refined white sugar. Go back to your shelf and check if your honey is original or adulterated. How will you know? This book contains the best tips for identifying pure original honey.
Most importantly, this book will teach you how to make a home-made honey-based natural mixture that can cure some ubiquitous ailments. You will learn how to make a honey-based mixture that can prevent or cure some of the following medical health issues and non-medical discomfort:
- Liver toxicity
- Diabetes
- Over-weight/Obesity
- Hair loss/Breaking of the hair
- Stooling
- Hangover
- Irritant cough
- Stomach ulcer
- Insomnia
- Arthritis
- High blood pressure
- Asthma cough
- Rheumatism
- Eczema
- Measles
- Pile
- Sore throat
- Loss of appetite, and so much more
Don't continue to be in doubt. Try some out some of these mixtures, and you would wish you had tried them earlier.
- How to test for a pure original honey
- Biblical references for honey
This book is not just to be read for the fun of it, but as a reference book and can be referred to at any time.
Get your copy now and keep it very safe so you won't lose it when it is most needed.
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