I wrote Milestones Along the Way for this awaited and desired vanguard. This work consists of four chapters: The Nature of the Quranic Method, Islamic Concept and Culture, Jihad in the Cause of God, and Revival of the Muslim Community and its characteristics. These chapters are derived from the commentary I wrote, Fī zilāli 'l-qur'ān, which I have changed in some places slightly to fit the topic being discussed here. I wrote the Introduction and the other chapters at various times. In writing these chapters, I provide insight into findings which were inspired by evolving reflections derived from the divine systems as expressed in the Noble Quran.
I wrote Milestones Along the Way for this awaited and desired vanguard. This work consists of four chapters: The Nature of the Quranic Method, Islamic Concept and Culture, Jihad in the Cause of God, and Revival of the Muslim Community and its characteristics. These chapters are derived from the commentary I wrote, Fī zilāli 'l-qur'ān, which I have changed in some places slightly to fit the topic being discussed here. I wrote the Introduction and the other chapters at various times. In writing these chapters, I provide insight into findings which were inspired by evolving reflections derived from the divine systems as expressed in the Noble Quran.