Once upon a time there was a boy who wanted a go kart so bad that he figured out how to build one. Join Gabe in his best journey yet - as he straps into the driver's seat for a mad dash to the bottom of a giant hill. There is just one problem - this hill just might be too big. Looking for a book series your children won't put down? Gabe The Mighty is a laugh-out-loud, action-packed series that will entertain children of all ages. Come see why Gabe The Mighty is quickly becoming Amazon's #1 children's book sensation.
Gabe The Mighty is a series of books dedicated and designed to tell the stories of boys of color, while painting a positive self-image, and helping them fall in love with reading.
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Gabe The Mighty! More than ever, boys of color need to see positive images of themselves in books they read. The Adventures of Gabe The Mighty does just that. This series of self-reflective picture books are designed to tell the stories of and about boys of color.
Come follow Gabe The Mighty on an incredible journey, as he saves the world, using only his imagination. Each book introduces a superpower as its theme. Superpowers such as love, kindness, honesty, responsibility, and determination. The Adventures of Gabe The Mighty believes that when our children see themselves in the books they read, they will begin to fall in love with the treasures buried in the pages.