Midnight is a fast-paced thriller that has twists at every turn. It will take you on a furious ride filled with intrigue and drama. Two sisters take a long road trip to try and figure things out mysterious events occurring in their lives, only to find more danger along the way. They ultimately return to their childhood home in Steptoe, Nevada, to seek shelter with their maternal grandfather Joseph Wendel, the man who raised them from infancy. The terrifying question is whether the danger chasing them will find its way to their childhood home and the grandfather they love.
Midnight is a fast-paced thriller that has twists at every turn. It will take you on a furious ride filled with intrigue and drama. Two sisters take a long road trip to try and figure things out mysterious events occurring in their lives, only to find more danger along the way. They ultimately return to their childhood home in Steptoe, Nevada, to seek shelter with their maternal grandfather Joseph Wendel, the man who raised them from infancy. The terrifying question is whether the danger chasing them will find its way to their childhood home and the grandfather they love.