Key Features
* The fourth volume of a comprehensive series on microwave and RF design
* Open access ebook editions are hosted by NC State University Libraries at https: //repository.lib.ncsu.edu/handle/1840.20/36776
* 23 worked examples
* An average of 21 exercises per chapter
* Answers to selected exercises
* 6 case studies illustrating design procedures
* Emphasis on synthesis as well as building a rich library of microwave functions
* A companion book, Fundamentals of Microwave and RF Design, is suitable as a comprehensive undergraduate textbook on microwave engineering
Key Features
* The fourth volume of a comprehensive series on microwave and RF design
* Open access ebook editions are hosted by NC State University Libraries at https: //repository.lib.ncsu.edu/handle/1840.20/36776
* 23 worked examples
* An average of 21 exercises per chapter
* Answers to selected exercises
* 6 case studies illustrating design procedures
* Emphasis on synthesis as well as building a rich library of microwave functions
* A companion book, Fundamentals of Microwave and RF Design, is suitable as a comprehensive undergraduate textbook on microwave engineering