Ruthless drug kingpin El Gato, known for his iron fist, is enraged as a megalodon engulfs his prized submarine, swallowing $20 million worth of cocaine and methamphetamines in the process. Fueled by vengeance, El Gato hunts down once-famous but now washed-up TV fisherman Chris Newman and the brilliant paleo-ichthyologist "Abbie" Marnoch at vacation destination Persuasion Island, and makes them an offer they can't refuse: Get the sub out of the Megalodon or El Gato will kill everyone on the island. There is a complication, however. The drugs coursing through the Meg's system transform the sixty-foot beast into a deranged, meth fueled monster, hell-bent on satisfying its insatiable cravings. It wreaks havoc, ready to consume, crush, and obliterate anything in its path. But Newman and Marnoch haven't been given a choice. They must go into the belly of the beast. METHALODON: The highest predator on the food chain.
Ruthless drug kingpin El Gato, known for his iron fist, is enraged as a megalodon engulfs his prized submarine, swallowing $20 million worth of cocaine and methamphetamines in the process. Fueled by vengeance, El Gato hunts down once-famous but now washed-up TV fisherman Chris Newman and the brilliant paleo-ichthyologist "Abbie" Marnoch at vacation destination Persuasion Island, and makes them an offer they can't refuse: Get the sub out of the Megalodon or El Gato will kill everyone on the island. There is a complication, however. The drugs coursing through the Meg's system transform the sixty-foot beast into a deranged, meth fueled monster, hell-bent on satisfying its insatiable cravings. It wreaks havoc, ready to consume, crush, and obliterate anything in its path. But Newman and Marnoch haven't been given a choice. They must go into the belly of the beast. METHALODON: The highest predator on the food chain.