You know pro athletes use the power of Sports Psychology to get the edge over opposition, and achieve peak performance, but most of these techniques are kept secret, while other guides are dense with jargon.
So how can you harness the power of Sports Psychology to transform your performance? You need more than just a system - you need the right system.
Not just the science behind mental strength but a super-simple, step-by-step guide to unlocking the power of your brain.
Built on insights from top experts, instructors and researchers, discover easy tactics to dominate your game, whether you're a fitness enthusiast, runner, gym athlete, or martial artist.
Even if you're a busy professional, these techniques let you excel in any competitive or high-pressure situation in minutes!
This is Mental Combat ... and once applied to your training it quickly revolutionizes performance - every time!
Mental Combat is a simple, easy set of tactics for unlocking the full power of your brain and body.
Ready to discover the quickest and easiest way to experience the incredible benefits of mental training?
- How to "psych-out" an opponent
- How to spot an opponent's personality type (and use it against them)
- "Mind Hacks" for instant, rock-solid confidence and cool
- The three tricks for negotiating like a pro
- Powerful motivation and concentration skills
- Revealed: the body position to banish nerves quickly and easily
- How to spot deception
- The truth behind meditation. (and why it's easier than you think)
- How to unlock the power of your brain for any event
- The secret to managing victory, like a pro
- The secret to handling defeat... and coming back stronger
- How you can use Sports Psychology tactics even if you don't do sports!
- And much more!
Get your copy of Mental Combat now to see what you've been missing!
Associated with: Martial Arts, Sports Psychology, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MMA, Martial arts books, Boxing, Karate, Taekwondo and more!