When various sexual predators target Steve Simmons as a child in the idyllic small town of Greenwood, Arkansas, his mind fractures into multiple personalities-alters-who give him blackouts as a protective shield.
Steve bravely stands up to an abuser when he's fourteen, but his nightmare isn't over. Two alters begin hijacking his consciousness to live their own lives as a thief and a gay prostitute.
When Steve discovers he has multiple personalities, he decides to keep the mental disorder a secret for fear of being institutionalized. That decision grants his doppelgangers free rein to drag him down the paths of crime and debauchery.
To maintain his freedom and reputation, Steve discards his ethical compass in order to conceal his alters' criminal activities-even after becoming an attorney at one of the world's premier litigation firms.
This deeply personal memoir lays bare Steve's childhood sexual assaults and the poor judgment he exercises to hide his mental disorder caused by the trauma.
How will he navigate the road to redemption?