The essentials of medical terminology for the short, self-paced, or online course
Medical Terminology Express + Medical Language Lab work together to create an immersive, multimedia experience for students and complete teaching materials for instructors that are perfect for a short course online, hybrid or in the classroom.
Now in its 3rd Edition, Medical Terminology Express adapts Barbara Gylys's proven word-building techniques for the short-course. Organized by body system, this text demonstrates the connection between anatomical structures and associated medial word roots.
Online. Interactive. Progressive.
Medical Language Lab guides students step by step from basic through advanced levels of proficiency to become confident medical language speakers. A wealth of audio case studies, progressive exercises, lecture videos, and a pronunciation guide and activities, plus an integrated e-book version of the text offer multiple paths to learning success. This immersive, multimedia experience guides students and tracks their progress as they apply word-building concepts for practice and application.