"Me and Mr. Chips: a boy's adventures with his puppy" is a heartwarming series written by Louis W. Hirschmann, author of numerous novels and short stories featuring his young alter ego, Jeff Vetch, as the boy grows up in 1950's Glencoe, Illinois. In this 5-volume story, Mr. Hirschmann's writing takes a deliciously whimsical turn as he tells the tale of Jeff and Mister Chips, a German Schnauzer puppy, and the amazing, unforgettable adventures they have together. The journey takes the boy-and-puppy pair from their hometown in Glencoe to New York, the Cote D'Azur and over the rainbow to magical lands only a boy (and his loyal puppy) can dream up!
"Me and Mr. Chips: a boy's adventures with his puppy" is a heartwarming series written by Louis W. Hirschmann, author of numerous novels and short stories featuring his young alter ego, Jeff Vetch, as the boy grows up in 1950's Glencoe, Illinois. In this 5-volume story, Mr. Hirschmann's writing takes a deliciously whimsical turn as he tells the tale of Jeff and Mister Chips, a German Schnauzer puppy, and the amazing, unforgettable adventures they have together. The journey takes the boy-and-puppy pair from their hometown in Glencoe to New York, the Cote D'Azur and over the rainbow to magical lands only a boy (and his loyal puppy) can dream up!