The MBA Admissions Essay: 18 Pages of Powerful Techniques for Winning Admission to the MBA Program of Your Choice

The MBA Admissions Essay: 18 Pages of Powerful Techniques for Winning Admission to the MBA Program of Your Choice

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(PLEASE NOTE: Kindle formatting issue has been corrected) Writing your admissions essays is easily the most challenging part of the MBA application process. Veteran MBA admissions consultant Dave Bolick has written this clear, ultra-concise guide, to help make your task significantly easier without forcing you to wade through page-after-page of time-wasting filler. The MBA Admissions Essay is packed with practical advice on how to maximize your chances of admission, including easy-to-apply techniques for answering all of the major essay question types. It also includes easy, fill-in-the-blank-style exercises to help you develop your essay drafts quickly. The sooner you start, the better your chances of getting in, and The MBA Admissions Essay is designed to help you generate effective content in minimal time. Need help writing your essays? Visit to find out how Dave can help you.
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