How can a coach create the conditions to work with synchronicity when accompanying individuals and teams? Beyond what a coach or client does, the true art of coaching rests on much deeper connections that emerge between coaches and their client. Much less focused on tools and techniques, masterful coaching attitudes and strategies are presented in this book, to explore coaching through a fractal, systemic, synchronic and somewhat Buddhist perspective. This text consequently aims to develop an awareness that masterful coaching is what remains after you strip out of coaching all the superfluous concepts and accessories: To truly understand the power of coaching, it is essential to explore the depths of its existential dimensions. How do systemic coaches achieve a form of resonance with their clients ? How do coaches and their clients develop an awareness of emerging and synchronic meanings in the shared growth process? How does a systemic coach's form of attentive presence embrace the coach and client growth experience as one undivided, whole and shared development process? On what type of existential or spiritual perspective does the fundamental posture of masterful systemic coaching rest? This book on masterful coaching aims to open more horizons, raise more questions and offer more food for thought than it attempts give answers.
How can a coach create the conditions to work with synchronicity when accompanying individuals and teams? Beyond what a coach or client does, the true art of coaching rests on much deeper connections that emerge between coaches and their client. Much less focused on tools and techniques, masterful coaching attitudes and strategies are presented in this book, to explore coaching through a fractal, systemic, synchronic and somewhat Buddhist perspective. This text consequently aims to develop an awareness that masterful coaching is what remains after you strip out of coaching all the superfluous concepts and accessories: To truly understand the power of coaching, it is essential to explore the depths of its existential dimensions. How do systemic coaches achieve a form of resonance with their clients ? How do coaches and their clients develop an awareness of emerging and synchronic meanings in the shared growth process? How does a systemic coach's form of attentive presence embrace the coach and client growth experience as one undivided, whole and shared development process? On what type of existential or spiritual perspective does the fundamental posture of masterful systemic coaching rest? This book on masterful coaching aims to open more horizons, raise more questions and offer more food for thought than it attempts give answers.