In a Land of Enchantment...Marty Makes his Way is a story about a curious and adventurous moose who decides to leave his home in Taos Ski Valley to follow his heart. He travels through the unique landscapes of New Mexico, encountering new sights and sounds along the way. He visits Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, Mendanales, Espaola, Pojoaque, Namb, and Tesuque, before finally arriving in Santa Fe. Marty's journey is one of self-discovery, as he learns more about himself and the world around him. He encounters humans and he experiences the beauty of nature firsthand. Marty's story is a reminder that there is always something new to learn and explore, and that the world is full of wonder.
In a Land of Enchantment...Marty Makes his Way is a story about a curious and adventurous moose who decides to leave his home in Taos Ski Valley to follow his heart. He travels through the unique landscapes of New Mexico, encountering new sights and sounds along the way. He visits Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, Mendanales, Espaola, Pojoaque, Namb, and Tesuque, before finally arriving in Santa Fe. Marty's journey is one of self-discovery, as he learns more about himself and the world around him. He encounters humans and he experiences the beauty of nature firsthand. Marty's story is a reminder that there is always something new to learn and explore, and that the world is full of wonder.