The story is based in the Bronx, New York, and tells of a curious young second grader, Marcus, who is interested in becoming a doctor. He wants to know what doctors do at work and how they help people. His grandmother's resourcefulness leads them on an adventure to their local community health center, where they meet a variety of healthcare professionals: a Dentist, an Allopathic Doctor (MD), an Osteopathic Doctor (DO), a Podiatrist (DPM), and a male Nurse (RN). What does Marcus learn by going on this adventure? How does he react seeing relatable doctors that look like him?
The story is based in the Bronx, New York, and tells of a curious young second grader, Marcus, who is interested in becoming a doctor. He wants to know what doctors do at work and how they help people. His grandmother's resourcefulness leads them on an adventure to their local community health center, where they meet a variety of healthcare professionals: a Dentist, an Allopathic Doctor (MD), an Osteopathic Doctor (DO), a Podiatrist (DPM), and a male Nurse (RN). What does Marcus learn by going on this adventure? How does he react seeing relatable doctors that look like him?