In the year 2037, octogenarian Steve Johnson's life takes a dramatic turn when his secret society entrusts him with fulfilling the Dragon Prophecy. As a member of the elite "Tankers" rejuvenated through DNA-altering tanks, Steve embarks on a quest to unearth twelve ancient artifacts hidden across Earth.
The interplanetary items, remnants of an alien civilization known as the Ancient Keys or Dragon's Teeth, hold the key to humanity's survival. However, members of a rival society are determined to find and destroy the sacred objects for their own gain, even if it means desecrating ancient sites and harming innocents.
Armed with enhanced physical prowess and heightened mental abilities, the Tankers race against time on a perilous journey of self-discovery as they uncover layers of truth about the keys and humanity's fate. But will Steve and his team be able to ensure the existence of the human race by securing the Dragon's Teeth before they fall into malevolent hands?