Manda's Beast: A True Life Addiction Story to Help Parents Protect Their Sons and Daughters From Self-Abuse with Drugs

Manda's Beast: A True Life Addiction Story to Help Parents Protect Their Sons and Daughters From Self-Abuse with Drugs

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Two parents lost their only child to drug addiction-their story could save yours from the same fate.

As parents, the thought of our children falling into the abyss of drug addiction is a nightmare we all desperately wish to avoid. To be successful, it will take consistent preventive measures that parents never thought would be necessary. Raising your son or daughter to be free of alcohol and other drugs requires parents to shed the optimistic mindset that "my child would never do drugs," and replace it with the more protective mindset of "it

could be my child, so I must be vigilant about their activities."

Wanting to prevent others from enduring the excruciating agony of watching their son or daughter succumb to drug or alcohol abuse, Mann Spitler wrote Manda's Beast. In a heart-wrenching memoir, he shares Manda's haunting journey into the "beast" of heroin addiction, culminating in her tragic death at age 20 from a self-administered lethal dose. This guide was lovingly crafted with your kids and teens in mind, with the preventive measures he and his wife Phyllis wish they had taken.

Protect your child from the abyss of addiction as you discover:

  • The pervasiveness of drug addiction as you read anonymous notes from parents, adolescents, and young adults.
  • The cunning ways our kids funnel money to drug dealers, as revealed through Manda's bank statements.
  • The progression of drug addiction, seen through hospital intake notes. These include nicotine, alcohol, hallucinogens, methamphetamine, and prescription drugs like depressants and narcotics.
  • Behavior associated with street drugs: meaninglessness, secrecy, lying, low self-worth, chaos, purposelessness.
  • How to develop a strong drug prevention plan and follow through with its strategies.

The culture of drugs doesn't discriminate by social background, geography, or education. Read Manda's Beast today and find the courage and motivation to deter the influence of drugs and its culture on your son or daughter and help them escape the catastrophic consequences of self-abuse with consciousness altering drugs.

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