For every daughter who has triumphed despite having a less-than-perfect relationship with her mother.
"What is it like to be your mother's daughter?" This is a difficult question for most daughters to answer. Jan Marquart has responded in her intimate and revealing Lunch with Mom: A Daughter's Soliloquy. Although Jan's mother passed away in 1984, her relationship with her mother has remained alive in her heart. For years, she wrote a lengthy letter to her mother describing her life; now she is sharing this soliloquy with others.
Lunch at The Green Tea Room after a day of shopping was one of the few occasions when Jan Marquart felt a comfortable connection with her mom. This is why, decades after her mom's passing, she invites her there again. Over grilled cheese sandwiches and tea, Jan openly and unashamedly shares the complex feelings resulting from a lifetime of being raised by a mother who was unwilling or unable to let her go.
Lunch with Mom: A Daughter's Soliloquy brings to light the awesome power a mother has over the life of her daughter. It is a bittersweet, fiery, reflective, and ultimately grateful tribute that will resonate with any daughter who has, or had, a complicated relationship with her mother.