Whether you think of yourself right now, as an artist or not, by the end of this book, you'll see yourself in a whole new way. Why? Most (all) kids in kindergarten consider themselves artists. Their creativity simply expresses itself with no judgment and somewhere along the way, something happens and that creative child is sent to the "corner for a time out" and therefore, many people don't see themselves as artists or even desire to be an artist because of that negative association to their creative flow. On top of that, the world is driven towards consumerism (profit and growth at all costs). Deep down, people want to do something in the arts and don't know how to get the starving "inner" artist playing and creating again. Many think it falls on two sides, the extremism of quitting their job to pursue their passion full out OR simply thinking "I'm not great at it? So why start now?" If you enjoy it, that is what should draw you in. Don't worry about if you're an expert, take on the challenge and see what is yet to be discovered or revealed. What lies inside and underneath, expresses itself outside. You will find the simple joys you had as a child when you were creating for the sake of creation. Your artist creates things that fuel your soul. You connect deeply to a part of yourself that you haven't connected to in a long while. The external world, possessions and "success" will take on a new perspective. The "messiness on the inside" creates for a "masterpiece on the outside." As a result of reading this book, regardless of your current job or how you see yourself as an artist, you'll see the importance and the possibility of expressing your creativity (as an artist or creativity in general) in a whole new way. Readers will see the necessary steps to tell their starving "inner" artist that was sent to the "corner for a time out" and help them find their way back on the creative journey, otherwise known as the "artists path."
In this 2nd edition of the book, Mark Jamnik updated the overall look and feel through the book along with additional ways to engage with Subliminal Story Art.