Despite studying under Harnack, Holl and old Liberalism, Hermann Sasse became a prominent figure in confessional Lutheranism by the time of World War I. He was a prominent figure in the German ecumenical movement for years and untiringly advocated that real unity could only be the result of real doctrinal agreement.
He had the respect of Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans and the Reformed alike. In his later years, Sasse believed that the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod was the last hope for world confessional Lutheranism and dedicated his efforts to raising the Synod's consciousness of its worldwide significance.
This collection of the writings of Hermann Sasse is comprised, with several exceptions, of materials never before published in English. This volume compiles material from 1941 through 1976, including articles, papers, essays, theses, lectures, and pastoral letters.
Despite studying under Harnack, Holl and old Liberalism, Hermann Sasse became a prominent figure in confessional Lutheranism by the time of World War I. He was a prominent figure in the German ecumenical movement for years and untiringly advocated that real unity could only be the result of real doctrinal agreement. printer to scan text