THE LIZARD KING WAS HERE: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JIM MORRISON IN ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - REVISED EDITION is an in-depth study of a greatly overlooked period in the mercurial life of Jim Morrison, the late poet and lyricist-vocalist of the rock and roll band "The Doors" who died at the age of 27 in 1971. Examining Morrison's life from January 1959 to August 1961 - the years he resided in Alexandria, Virginia and attended George Washington High School - author Mark Opsasnick uncovers the rock legend's local experiences that influenced his later poetry, lyrics, and work as a performing artist with the Doors. This revised edition of THE LIZARD KING WAS HERE is essential reading for any Jim Morrison fan.

THE LIZARD KING WAS HERE: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JIM MORRISON IN ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - REVISED EDITION is an in-depth study of a greatly overlooked period in the mercurial life of Jim Morrison, the late poet and lyricist-vocalist of the rock and roll band "The Doors" who died at the age of 27 in 1971. Examining Morrison's life from January 1959 to August 1961 - the years he resided in Alexandria, Virginia and attended George Washington High School - author Mark Opsasnick uncovers the rock legend's local experiences that influenced his later poetry, lyrics, and work as a performing artist with the Doors. This revised edition of THE LIZARD KING WAS HERE is essential reading for any Jim Morrison fan.